Monday, April 13, 2020

It's Virtual Spring Spirit Week!!

Virtual Spring Spirit Week

The Student Council is celebrating with a Virtual Spring Spirit Week this week!  Traditionally we have a spirit week before our April break so we are continuing the tradition, but doing it a little differently this year.  

Listed below are the themes for the days, our hashtag, and social media accounts.  Please take a picture of yourself doing something with the theme of the day and post it on one of our accounts, use our hashtag, or send it to one of the emails listed below.  Please join us in the fun and we will share your photos in a video or two.

Have fun,
Ms. Cyr

Monday - "Coronacation"/Beach Day – how are you spending your “corona vacation”
Tuesday – Extracurricular Activities and Hobbies Day - wear your team or club shirt and show us your favorite hobby
Wednesday – Whatch Cookin’ Day - take pictures of what you are cooking
Thursday – USA Day – wear red, white, and blue
Friday – Green and White Day


Student Council’s Social Media –
Instagram – behs.studentcouncil
Twitter - @bonnyeagleSC
FaceBook – Behsstudent Council

You can also send photos to: